The Six Nations of Teldwen

When I first started this book, I have to admit, I wasn’t impressed. I was curated by  Kevin Hearne’s typical books, The Iron Druid Chronicles, and those had created some unreasonably high expectations. With a great, strong, humorous voice, I thought highly of the series. So, when I started A Plague of Giants, I was almost immediately bored. There were names coming out the butt, spewing with unreasonable force like an unforgettable and regrettable taco stand on the side of the freeway, and I couldn’t keep up with who was doing what where and what all of it meant, which is why, as soon as I finished the book, I set to organize all the information I was given and reformat it for you. This should be a SPOILER-FREE map of the information below, created by Hearne but edited by me. Hopefully, it makes it a lot easier to figure out what’s going on while you start reading. A full review to come later.

NOTE: The image was reasonably sized so that it was legible, but WordPress has some size-limits imposed on all images, which has caused it to be illegible during the uploading process. EDIT: This problem has been solved by hyperlinking a full-size version to Imgur. Please click the image to view. 

Hearne, Kevin. A Plague of Giants. New York, NY: Del Ray, 2017. Print.

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